- Autor: Maria Banova
- Director: Maria Banova
- Scenography: Maria Banova, Krum Krumov
- Music: Dimo Stoianov
- Release Date: 2013-03-03
- Duration: 40
- Actors: Greta Krysteva // Krasimir Haralambov // Nedelina Roselinova // Zhenya Georgieva
Pablo is a kind, pleasant-looking and funny artist who sits and paints all day long in his small paint shop. He stops painting only if a customer enters the shop…and his customers are quite a variety in fact – very famous or not so famous artists, beginners or learners of art and all of them come to buy paints for their pictures!
One day a very special customer comes to Pablo – the little artist Frida. She has a problem – the colours she has are not enough and she can’t finish her drawing. The kind, pleasant-looking and funny artist helps Frida to deal with her problem. At that time, while Pablo and Frida are tackling the problem, the little paints in the shop and the Wizard of Light and Darkness are trying to create a real confusion and cause them trouble and anxiety but at the same time a lot of amusing situations arise.
At the end of the story the little artist realizes that every colour has its own place, its significance is great and the colours reveal their real beauty when they are all together. This beauty is the most important thing for the artists’ palettes otherwise they won’t be able to paint their amazing and unique pictures.